Blog Soluta

How to lead to repurchase: E-Commerce Communication

Written by Soluta | 21/05

Soluta presents the ultimate solution for optimizing your website and data management by integrating CRM with your sales platform. With E-Commerce Communication, you can stimulate customers to repurchase and achieve significant growth for conversions on your website.

E-Commerce Communication provides the technology for B2B e-commerce-based promotional communications. This allows you to develop an email automation strategy to stimulate customers to make new purchases by setting up communications based on best sellers or new arrivals, for example.

With the E-Commerce solution, you can get:

  • an increase in re-purchases: you can drive your customers to buy again from your e-commerce platform by integrating marketing automation flows and sending e-commerce-specific communications
  • integration with your e-commerce: you can integrate your online sales platform with your CRM platform to centralize all your data and make it easier to manage

Example of a project:

Launching marketing automation for abandoned shopping cart

For many e-commerce sites, it is common for many shopping carts to be abandoned by users, representing a significant loss. Often, users begin the purchase process but do not complete it. In this case, it is critical to implement a marketing automation flow to “rescue” abandoned carts by sending communications to users to remind them of the purchase they started. These flows rely on triggers to ensure that communications are targeted and personalized.