Blog Soluta

How HubSpot can solve your biggest business problems?

Written by Soluta | 24/05

Big or small companies, all of them faces problems like not getting enough leads, low performance of Return on Investment (ROI), improve the collaboration between both sales and marketing departments and finally giving the team the tools they need to perform at their best.

Therefore, HubSpot will help you to manage all those problems through these four solutions:

  • Use HubSpot's tools to improve lead generation

  • Create digital marketing campaign

  • Use SMarketing strategy

  • Learn from HubSpot Academy

Problem 1: You are not getting enough leads

To improve your sales performance, you need a lead generation plan that is about getting to know your visitors, what motivate them, problems that they face. You can do that through online forms, speaking to them via live chat when they are visiting your website or via email campaigns.

All those things will be done through HubSpot, to enhance your website.

Your website is the most important digital platform and needs to be clear, specific, a guide for your target so you can turn leads into real buyers.

How can you turn your website to a lead generation platform?

1. Add a headline and a CTA in the banner

The headline is the most important part of the website because it is a way to attract visitors to stay in your platform and keep reading the content. This title needs to be very short and show what the main benefit that you are providing to your customers like “Grow with us” or to give them an immediate idea about what you are offering. Then the title should be followed by a CTA, so they can place directly an order or discover more.

2. Add forms to the pages that can generate more leads

Use Google Analytics to understand from where your leads are coming most. It could be from email marketing, social media, blogs or landing pages.

Once you know where your leads are landing, you can add forms on your pages, or CTA, or chatbots to collect leads information and encourage them to contact you.

3. Track your customers through HubSpot analytics tools

Through HubSpot you will have the possibility to track customers performance, to know what pages they visited and at which point they are dropping off from the site.

This tool will help you to understand what is the issue in your website. For example, maybe people can exit from your website because the homepage is very long or complex to navigate. Once you identify the problem, you can take actions and start to make a difference.

Problem 2: Improve your ROI

Justifying their efforts through the return on investment (ROI) is one of the main challenges marketing and sales teams deal with.

To improve your ROI, with HubSpot you can to create a digital marketing campaign.

Through HubSpot you can improve sales performance through the digital marketing campaign in which marketing and sales departments can work together to close deals. You will have the possibility to track revenues, the number of deals generated and the number of leads all in one place.

This marketing campaign will be created inside HubSpot and can contain all the marketing tools as emails, landing pages, ads and CTA. After going live, you will have the possibility to monitor the performance of sales revenues and track the number of leads generated. In addition, you can edit or update the activities that are not generating leads.

Problem 3: Lack of collaboration between Sales and Marketing departments

Connecting your sales and marketing teams can improve your customer’s experience with your company.

The power of SMarketing that HubSpot provide will help to improve collaboration between those two departments.

SMarketing tactics were designed to provide your marketing and sales teams with cooperation building strategies for improve customer experiences that are satisfying for both your teams and your customers.

Sales + Marketing = Better together

Those two departments are well integrated. The marketing team use all the marketing tools such as emails, landing pages, CTA and forms in order to generate leads. After that, the sales team needs to follow-up and engage with those leads in order to close the deals. The sales department can reach that goal through sales sequences, tasks, sales emails and meetings.

So, HubSpot can help them to:

  • Work together on individual and shared goals that improve the customer experience.

  • Re-evaluate their goals every month to identify opportunities for improvement on both teams.

Problem 4: Your teams needs trainings

Planning and creating strategies is the main asset for business growth but sometimes your team do not have the efficient tools to follow it.

In order to make your team work better and being more efficient, they should learn from HubSpot Academy.

The HubSpot Academy is a world-leading resource that helps businesses of all shapes and sizes grow. Whether it is through bite-sized practical courses or in-depth certifications, your team can learn on many topics. From learning the fundamentals of digital advertising to understand how improve your sales performance. The HubSpot Academy is here to help when you need it. The key advantage that it is provided for free.


So, those are four ways in which HubSpot can help you solve some of the biggest problems that all businesses face in order to generate more leads, increase ROI, improve the collaboration between your teams and provide a continuous learning for your employees.

But what about your business? You still have some doubts? Well, the best way to find out is to have a free consultation with us. We are HubSpot partners and we specialize in helping businesses boost sales and marketing using this powerful platform.

Let's get in touch and let’s see how we can help you grow better!