Blog Soluta

What you can achieve with Marketing Automation integrated with CRM

Written by Soluta | 05/06

Unlike traditional email marketing software that only focuses on creating automatic texts and templates, marketing automation software provides a comprehensive solution for planning customer journeys, nurturing leads and keep customers engaged. With marketing automation software, you have the power to go beyond automating repetitive marketing activities like email marketing, ads campaigns and social media posting.

The table below shows you the difference between email marketing and marketing automation software:

  Email marketing software  Marketing automation software

Targeted email

Timely (the customer receives emails/notification at the right time)

Follow-up to boost sales



Integrated with a CRM 

Integration with e-commerce or ERP


Customer base analysis

To fully maximize the potential of the marketing automation software, the best is to integrate it with a CRM. This integration can generate a lot of benefits to your company like aligning Marketing and Sales departments and make it faster to convert a visitor into customer, personalize emails for existing customers based on their purchasing behaviors.

Marketing automation software can help overcome these two issues:

  • Waste time and money doing marketing to contact who is not interested with the content that you are providing

  • Losing customers by annoying them with too much information

The integration of the marketing automation software with the CRM is used to boost your sales and improve customers experience. In addition, it can also help to segment and cluster customers based on:

    • Email performance (click, open etc…)

    • Website visits

    • Offline information (real visit such as for B2B) from the integration with the CRM

    • Economics data (days since last order, purchased products, monetary value) from the integration with the CRM

    • Customers preferred products from the e-commerce

Thanks to those information it is possible to put in place several campaign such as:

  • Churning campaign → to identify customers who are no longer buying and perform actions on them in order not to lose them

  • RFM campaign → to boost customer to move them to higher cluster

  • Support sales → to send notification to the sales force/sales rep once the customer has done an action (clicked, visited a page, submit a form….)

  • Nurturing campaigns

  • E-commerce campaigns

  • Awards campaigns (points, gifts base on purchases)

 In the following table, you can see the tools needed and technologies suggested to support the marketing automation software integrated with CRM to accomplish the previous benefits.

Tools needed  Technologies suggested 
  • Email

  • Blog

  • CTA

  • Landing Page

  • Thank-You Page

  • Workflow

  • Tracking code

  • HubSpot Marketing and Sales

  • Integration of:

    • ERP

    • E-commerce

There are countless benefits of marketing automation softwares. Some of them include:

  1. Leads nurturing: with Marketing Automation integrated with the CRM, you can create automated lead nurturing campaigns that make educating content and nurture your leads along the sales funnel, in order to engage and encourage them to continue interacting with your business while still personalizing each lead’s experience

  1. Marketing & sales alignment: if you combine your sales and marketing automation efforts by using the same software, you are able to align company goals and efforts while tracking the leads behavior in the same platform

  2. Increase conversion rate: by integrating the CRM with the marketing automation software, you can gain access to a comprehensive timeline of all the lead's interactions and activities. This valuable information allows you to craft personalized automated emails in order to accelerate the conversion process and drive more successful conversions.

  3. Personalized marketing strategy: with marketing automation, you can target your persona on multiple channels like on social media, on search ads, or through email campaigns. It helps you in turning your web visitors into leads and once you know who your leads are, you can segment them by behavior or characteristics.

Interested to know more?Read the article about an example of a project!