Blog Soluta

Case study of the month: here's how to improve your online presence

Written by Soluta | 23/05

In a world moving faster and faster in a digital direction, the main goal of many companies is becoming to attract potential customers online and foster effective interactions with them. If you also mirror this need, then this is the article for you.

Here is a concrete example of how it was possible to improve the online presence of a client: an Italian, independent small business dealing with the transportation sector, which wanted to launch and promote its new site with a restricted section, where users could access useful information about their orders.

Soluta activities:

Through the HubSpot platform, we created an informative landing page that offers a detailed guide with instructions for accessing the restricted area of the site. In addition, we implemented an interactive pop-up on the login page to the restricted area that directs users to the guide should they need assistance. Finally, we created a newsletter to announce the launch of the new site. All these actions were designed to maximize the potential of the web and increase our client's online visibility.


Content creation activities Tools
  • Landing Page
  • Pop-up
  • Newsletter


Benefits for the company:

This project has brought significant benefits to the company. Thanks to the digital marketing strategy implemented, the company was able to:

  1. Record an increase in website visits

  2. Reduce support requests on site usage and to improve user experience by introducing the informative landing page

  3. Increase user engagement demonstrated by increased clicks

  4. Improve open rate through message personalization

If you are interested in these kinds of benefits for your company, such as improving your online presence, increasing user interaction with your site, and optimizing communication with your target audience, you can discover Soluta's marketing solution “Digital Touchpoint Management,” designed specifically for this purpose.


Want to learn more? Visit the landing page dedicated to the product!