Blog Soluta

Automating email marketing activities: how Klaviyo makes it easy to create flows

Written by Soluta | 23/05

As part of a project for one of our clients, a leading stationery retailer in Italy, we set up an abandoned cart flow with the goal of reminding shoppers of the products they added to their cart, encouraging them to complete the transaction and improve their overall experience.


Our client's needs

Our client needed to implement a personalized email system based on users' actions on the e-commerce platform in order to monitor abandoned carts and send targeted communications based on each user's interests. We created a flow that is triggered when the user adds one or more products to the cart but does not proceed to purchase. This flow is based on the user's behavior after taking a specific action. With Klaviyo, it is possible to create advanced, personalized emails that are tailored to each customer based on the products they have placed in the cart.

Technologies used

Based on our client's needs, we implemented the abandoned cart flow on the Klaviyo email marketing platform. This all-in-one tool includes everything needed to:

  • Manage marketing emails' campaigns
  • Staying in touch with customers
  • Automating repetitive tasks
  • Creating workflows
  • Reduce manual effort
  • Achieve better collaboration among teams
Soluta's tools

In this process, we supported our client in what concerns the technical setup of the flow which includes configuring the key milestones of the flow, creating the flow emails, planning the sending but also activating the flow, monitoring the flow and emails according to various KPIs (open rate, click rate, activity on the site, etc.) and updating the flow according to the KPIs.

Benefits for the company

The implementation of this abandoned cart flow allowed our client to:

  • Reduce the abandoned cart rate by sending personalized communications to users
  • Collect data on their customers and thereby better understand their online behavior
  • Monitor and analyze data related to the flow