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Soluta's Summer Bootcamp: A success confirmed by the participants!

Soluta is excited to announce that the Summer Bootcamps were a great success! This is not us saying it but directly the participants, our “Bootcampers.” We had the opportunity to interview them to find out more about them, their personalities and hobbies, as well as what they enjoyed most about this initiative.
Here is what the guys (for which we used fictitious names) told us:



Beatrice is a curious and creative person with a passion for reading, technology and new innovations, especially Artificial Intelligence. She plays the piano and loves to engage in new activities, such as the data analysis course she decided to take. She found the Bootcamp environment very friendly and got along well with the team.
She enjoyed being able to work with new technologies and found the project, which was about data analysis and filters, very interesting. Beatrice has always wondered if school really prepares for the world of work, and thanks to the lectures she was able to convince herself that it does.


Sofia describes herself as a dynamic, sunny and spontaneous person. She loves playing soccer and listening to music. During the Summer Bootcamp she worked with the team and got along well with her peers, learning many useful things for the future. She found the environment welcoming and the project a bit difficult given the technologies never used.



Leonardo is passionate about programming, video games, and enjoys spending time with friends. He describes himself as curious, creative, and intelligent. He enjoyed the company of peers and found the bootcamp project and theme fun, and challenging given his interest in data analysis.



Manuel is a kind, helpful and determined person. In his spare time, he attends the gym, spends time with friends, rides his bike and watches TV series. From an educational point of view, Manuel found the Bootcamp very useful and confirms that the lectures satisfied many of his curiosities. For him, the project was initially a bit difficult to understand (being a third-year student) but he appreciated the introduction to new technologies and the welcoming environment.


Soluta's Summer Bootcamp was a positive and educational experience for all participants. Testimonials from our Bootcampers highlight how the initiative combined learning and fun, providing a welcoming and stimulating environment. Soluta continues to work to further improve the activities, confident that the enthusiasm and commitment of our participants is key.